Ashika Pillay

HeartMath Coach / Mentor

Area of expertise:

  • Coaching for wellbeing and stress management
  • Executive and Leadership coaching
  • Workshop facilitation (Wellbeing, stress management, leadership, coaching)
  • Mindfulness talks and training
  • Mindfulness based leadership
  • Mindfulness based stress management
Additional certifications and qualifications:

  • Medical degree – MBBCh at the University of Witwatersrand
  • Various leadership, marketing and internal training courses at Roche – some done with affiliations with global universities like Insead and London School of Business
  • MBA through GIBS
  • A certificate course in integrative medicine (University of Stellenbosch)
  • Diploma in Practitioner Coaching (The Coaching Centre)
  • Certificate in Mindfulness Based Interventions (University of Stellenbosch)
  • ICF certification as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

About Ashika:

I am a mum of three boys and have evolved myself over the years as a way of balancing the needs of my family and my personal development. I believe that the nexus of all my skills is here – to create a space for personal wellbeing, and leadership by living wholeheartedly into our lives, and finding the potential to make a change in our lives and the world. HeartMath is a beautiful tool that creates awareness and then choice for emotional regulation, personal resilience and leadership. It helps us understand the art and science of the human body and human connection.

  • Telephone Number: 082 410 6804
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Twitter: @Dr_ashikapillay
  • Facebook: Re-Mind
  • LinkedIn: Dr Ashika Pillay