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Here’s your goodies… enjoy!
Improve Your Relationships
Welcome to Improving Relationships, an e-booklet in the HeartMath Empowerment Series.
Some of the richest moments in our lives – as well as the most painful ones – take place in relationships with other people. Building and sustaining relationships require that we lead with the heart and manage our attitudes and emotions along the way. Add Heart to your relationships with HeartMath.
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Applied Appreciation
Welcome to Applied Appreciation, an e-booklet in the HeartMath Empowerment Series.
Our intention in presenting this aspect of HeartMath’s material is to share practical information and useful techniques with people who are looking for a more satisfying and fulfilling life experience.
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The Appreciative Heart
Throughout history and across diverse cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions, the heart has been associated with spiritual wisdom, and emotional experience, particularly with regard to other-centered, positive emotions such as love, care, compassion, and appreciation. Current research provides evidence that the heart does indeed play a role in the generation of emotional experience, suggesting that these long-surviving associations may be more than merely metaphorical. Explore The Appreciative Heart.
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